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Barrel is kept in direct contact of Sunrays / UV rays for sixty days. No Cracking is observed.
Barrel is cut axially and circumferentially to measure thickness on 48 different points. Required thickness is maintained.
Two barrels filled with water are kept on each other for 28 days. No buckling / deformation is observed in barrel of bottom stack.
Drop Test
Two barrels in each shift is drop tested from 1.2 meters height, as per IS 6312. Barrels are dropped in vertical / horizontal diagonally. No leakage, crack or failure of barrels is observed.
01 kg/cm2 air pressure is applied to water filled barrel for thirty minutes. No rupture / leakage is observed.
The drums are subjected to air pressure of 0.2 kg/cm2 for period of 60 seconds. No rupture or leakage is observed.
Extrusion of Parison
Seating of parison on Blow pin
Ejection of barrel by Gripper Finishing of Top and Bottom Pinch off of barrel
Finishing of barrel from top ring and neck.
Permanent marking on barrel for Traceability
Weight of barrel on Electronic weigh balance
After cooling of barrels for proper cooling
Light test of barrels
Wall thickness profile checking
Colour dispersion checking
Thread / collar ring checking
Foreign particles checking / removing by adhesive tape
Bung fitting on barrels
Printing of barrels
Blue flame treatment of printed barrels
Testing of Barrels
Longitudinal wall thickness testing by cutting barrel vertically in two parts
Circumferential wall thickness testing by cutting barrel from center
Four times a barrel is dropped from 1.2 mts. height.
Stack-ability test by putting barrels in 01 + 01 stacks to check deformation
ESCR test by keeping barrel in open climatic condition for 60 days
Tape test for checking printing quality
Plant Address
N.B. Commercial Enterprises Limited Plot #
155, Behind C.L. High School, Opposite
Singarva Village, Kathwada, Ahmedabad –
382413 India
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